Thursday, September 28, 2006

Reading Review

UIFEP6-20-3: Internet Application Development.
Coursework 3 - Individual Reading Review
Due date: 19th April 2007 -- DRAFT specification
The ability to study a topic of your own choice, guided by tutors is necessary training for your career in Information Technology. This study will involve reading of various material throughout the module. Some of this will naturally be web-based material, others will be readings form text books and journals. Keeping a diary of the readings you have made, your summary of the main points of the reading and your views on them is a good and useful practice.

On this Internet Application Development module, an obvious means of keeping this diary is to use a blog. This has the added advantage of being a public area so that other students and tutors can see your work and comment on it - constructively.

Although this part of the coursework only amounts to 10% of the coursework mark (5% overall) and is not due until after Easter, you are required to work on this review throughout the year.
You are to keep an online diary of your reading and discussion about those readings in a public place such as a blog. This blog will be read during the year by your tutor to provide feedback on the range of subjects covered and the quality of your discussion of those subjects. You are also encouraged to comment on the work of your fellow students in a constructive manner.

You may use any software for this purpose. The blog will be established at the beginning of the year and a link to it made available to the students and tutors on the module. You may choose to restrict access to this group or allow public access.

The language of the blog is English. For students whose first language is not English, part of the feedback which the tutors will provide during the year will be on grammar and writing style.

The reading review will be assessed on the range of readings discussed, the time span they cover and the quality of the discussion. However the main point of this part of the coursework is to develop a disciplined approach to reading and study. Tutors and other students will provide feedback on your writing as part of their and your learning process.

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