Thursday, September 28, 2006

Mini-research topic

The essence of many web applications is to enable communication between users. An number of different approaches have been developed and continue to be developed, each with their own styles of communication. Part of the first assignment will require you to write an individual report on one of the ways in which the web supports communication.

Each student will be allocated a different topic which they will research and then lead a short discussion on that topic.

The topics I have in mind include

- Blogs
- Wikis - Alex
- RSS feeds - Darius
- Podcasts - Daniel
- Chatroom (IRC and IM) - Malik
- Social bookmarks - Nigel
- Folksonomies - Denis

First we need to work out as a group what we would want to know about each of these technologies so that we are all working to the same agenda. we will do this in class and post the results here. We will also share ideas about how to research these topics.

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