Thursday, October 19, 2006

"The Website Manager's Handbook"

This a book recently written by Shane Diffily from Dublin. It covers a lot of the syllabus for this module, especially that concerned with the setup, maintenance and management of a website.

This book is self-published and printed on-demand by Lulu ( in Spain for European orders. [an interesting web application in itself.] I would like to propose adopting this book as a module text. I plan to order and pay for a class set to reduced the postage cost. I need your agreement to purchase a copy. The price will be about £16. Print quality is not brillant but for a 400 page book covering a large part of this module's syllabus, I think its good value.

1 comment:

Denis said...

Hi Chris,

Looks alright to me.Had a chance to look at the table of contents,impressive.
