Monday, December 18, 2006

Technical Challenges

As part of your next assignment for this course, you are to prepare another wiki page and a poster on a selected technical topic. After our brainstorming session, we arrived at the following subjects and allocation.

Alex - Accessibility, Mobility and Browser Compatibility
Nigel- Bandwidth, Load Balancing (and performace generally)
Malik - Architecture, Deep Linking, Reuse and APIs
Dariuz - Security, Authentication, Access Control, Secure Payment
Daniel - Data storage
Denis - Web Services

The first session next term 25th January will be devoted to these presentations.

A formal specification for the second coursework will be posted later, but this work will account for 20%.

The Website Manager's Handbook

The course text for the second term of this module is 'The Website Manager's Handbook' by Shane Diffily. In preparation for this, I suggest that you familiarise yourselves with the overall structure of the book and its contents and read two sections in Chapter 3 Website Development - Step 2 Website Content and Step 3 Website Design. These cover material which should be familiar to you from other modules, for example Software Technologies for the Web and the Internet Group Project as well this module.

Over the course of the next term, you will be expected to read the whole book, so any reading you do now will be beneficial.

This is a good place to make use of your blog to record what you have read and your own views on this material. Remember that the evalaution of this blog forms part of your overall assessment.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Site Type reviews

In this session, each student presented their analysis of one type of website and their comparison of two example sites of that type.

The wiki pages for this work are:

* Alex - Video Sites
* Daniel -Government Sites
* Dariuz - Mapping Sites
* Malik - Shopping sites
* Nigel - Social Networks (pending)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Reading for 1 December 2006 - Search Engine Optimization

Reading for the class today on search engine optimization

Captology videos

B J Fogg at Stanford writes:

My Stanford students have created short videos (averaging 2 minutes) that show how Web 2.0 services persuade people and change their behaviors. The videos are interesting -- and sometimes funny. I'm inviting you to help evaluate some of these videos before December 4th. You can rate one video or twenty. The choice is yours. The videos with the highest rating will be featured in the Captology Film Festival on December 7th at Stanford. You're invited to join us at that event. For more info, see .
To watch and rate the videos, go to:

Have a look - they are very interesting

Coursework 1 formal spec

Here is the formal specification for this coursework